Why true love is hard to find?
February 14, 2012
There is no shortage of advice on romantic love. Therapists and counselors offer guidance. Talk shows on television often consider the subject.
ON THE Internet numerous Web sites claim to offer enlightenment on how to find love. You might be told that you will discover “fascinating and incredible secrets” and will learn from “professional matchmakers,” “relationship experts,” and “love doctors,” not to mention psychotherapists, psychologists, and astrologers.
The topic of love also sells books and magazines, some of which make extravagant promises. For example, one book claims to show you “how to make anyone fall in love with you.” Another offers to reveal how you can find “the perfect partner in just one month.” Is a month too long? Then another divulges how “in 90 minutes or less,” you can make someone love you forever.
Much of the advice comes at a price. And many people pay twice. They pay money to receive counsel. Then, when the guidance turns out to be flawed, as it often does, they pay emotionally when things don’t work out as expected.
There is, however, one source of advice that when applied never fails. Moreover, it discusses the subject truthfully, without making wild claims and unrealistic promises. Though it was written long ago, its counsel is never outdated. Its Author is both peerless in wisdom and matchless in love. Perhaps you already own a copy of this special gift—the Holy Bible. No matter what our circumstances or background, the Bible teaches us what we need to know about love. And its counsel is free.
Will the Bible enable us to have a good relationship with everyone? No. Some people will not warm to us, no matter how hard we try. And genuine love cannot be forced. (Song of Solomon 8:4) However, by applying the Bible’s guidance, we will increase our opportunities of cultivating loving relationships with others, even though this may take time and effort. This aspect of love will be discussed in the next article, but first, consider why true love is becoming harder to find these days.
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missin' my gals.!
February 13, 2012
What’s Wrong With Dating Secretly?
February 12, 2012
IF SOMEONE you were attracted to made such a suggestion, how would you respond? You might be surprised to learn that, at first, Jessica went along with Jeremy’s plan. “I was convinced that if I dated him, I could make him learn to love Jehovah,” she says. How did things turn out? We’ll find out later. First, let’s see how even an otherwise exemplary Christian youth like Jessica could unwittingly get caught in the snare of secret dating.
Why They Do It?
Some youths pair off at an early age. “I have seen children with boyfriends and girlfriends at 10 or 11!” says Susan, in Britain. Why are they so eager? The natural attraction of the opposite sex and a dose of peer pressure—often that’s all it takes. “Your hormones are rushing and everyone else at school is going out with someone,” says Lois, in Australia.
But why do some date secretly? “Probably they’re scared of what their parents will say,” says Jeffrey, in Britain. David, in South Africa, feels similarly. “They know their parents would not approve,” he says, “so they don’t tell them.” A girl in Australia named Jane points out another possibility. “Secret dating is a rebellion thing,” she says. “If you feel that you’re not being treated like the young adult you think you are, you decide that you’re going to do what you want and just not tell your parents. Keeping it a secret is easy.”
Of course, the Bible commands you to obey your parents. (Ephesians 6:1) And if your parents object to your dating, they must surely have good reasons. For example, if they are Jehovah’s Witnesses, your parents would want you to date only a fellow believer—and then only when both of you are in a position to consider marriage.# Don’t be surprised, though, if you find yourself thinking:
I feel left out because everyone is dating except me.
I’m attracted to someone who doesn’t share my faith.
I would like to go out with a fellow Christian, even though I’m too young to marry.
You probably know what your parents would say about these statements. And deep down, you know that your parents are right. Still, you may feel like Manami, in Japan, who says: “The pressure to date is so strong that I sometimes doubt my stand. For kids today it’s unthinkable not to be dating.” Some in that situation have begun to date and have hidden the matter from their parents. How?
“We Were Told to Keep It a Secret”
The very term “secret dating” suggests a measure of deception. Some keep their dating secret by communicating primarily over the phone or the Internet. In public they are just friends, while their e-mails, text messages, and phone calls tell a completely different story.
Caleb, in Nigeria, reveals another sly tactic. “Some youths who secretly date use code words and nicknames when they are talking among their peers so that others will not grasp what they’re talking about,” he says. Another method is to arrange for a group activity, only to pair off later. James, in Britain, says: “Once, a group of us were invited to meet at a location, only to discover that the whole thing had been set up so that two in the group could be together. We were told to keep it a secret.”
Frequently, as James points out, secret dating is carried out with the cooperation of friends. “At least one friend knows about the situation but chooses not to say anything because of a ‘don’t-tell’ mentality,” says Carol, in Scotland.
Often, blatant dishonesty is involved. “Many keep their dating secret by lying to their parents about where they go,” says Beth, in Canada. Misaki, in Japan, admits that she did just that. “I had to make up stories carefully,” she says. “I was cautious not to tell any lies other than those related to my dating so that I would not lose my parents’ trust.”
The Pitfalls of Secret Dating
If you are tempted to date secretly—or if you are already doing so—you need to consider the following.
Where will my deceitful course lead? Do you intend to marry the person reasonably soon? “Dating without the intention of marriage is like advertising something you’re not selling,” says Evan, in the United States. Proverbs 13:12 says: “Expectation postponed is making the heart sick.” Do you really want to make someone you care about sick at heart?
How does Jehovah God feel about what I am doing? The Bible says that “all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” (Hebrews 4:13) So if you’re covering up your own dating—or that of a friend—Jehovah already knows about it. And if deception is involved, you have good reason to be concerned. Jehovah God feels strongly about lying. Indeed, “a false tongue” is listed prominently in the Bible among the things that he detests.—Proverbs 6:16-19.
Really, if you date secretly, you rob yourself of the protection that you can have when your relationship is aboveboard, out in the open. Not surprisingly, some who secretly date fall into sexual misconduct. Jane, in Australia, tells of a friend who secretly dated a boy from school and led a double life. “By the time her dad found out she had a boyfriend, she was pregnant,” Jane says.
Certainly, you would do well to talk to your parents or a mature Christian adult about any secret relationship that you may be involved in. And if you have a friend who is dating secretly, do not share in his or her course by helping to cover it up. (1 Timothy 5:22) After all, how would you feel if the relationship had harmful consequences? Would you not be at least partly responsible? Suppose a friend who is diabetic is secretly eating sweets. What if you found out about it, but your friend begged you not to tell anyone? What would be your most important concern—covering up for your friend or taking action that could possibly save his or her life?
The same is true if you know someone who is dating secretly. Don’t worry about permanently ruining your friendship! In time, a true friend will realize that you were acting in his or her best interests.—Proverbs 27:6.
“I Knew What I Had to Do”
Jessica, mentioned at the outset, changed her mind about dating secretly when she heard the experience of another Christian who was in the same situation. “After hearing how she broke off the relationship,” Jessica says, “I knew what I had to do.” Was breaking up easy? No! “This was the only boy I had ever really liked,” Jessica says. “I cried every day for several weeks.”
Yet, Jessica knew something else—that she loved Jehovah and that although she had got sidetracked, she truly wanted to do what was right. In time, the pain of breaking up subsided. “Now,” Jessica says, “my relationship with Jehovah is better than ever. I’m so grateful that he gives us the direction we need at just the right time!”
GOT THIS FROM watchtower.org
...bEacH piX....
November 4, 2008
here's some of the pics i took yesterday...!!!hihihi
ill be posing other pics...next time..!!!
...sToLeN sHoT101....
November 3, 2008
wish ko lang...hihihi
Labels: beach pictures, interesting pictures, sand, sunset
November 1, 2008
ate anniniput made this for me...!!!nyahaha..!!!
tell me... am i gorgeous.?? or am i dashing.?? or am i simply beautiful..?? nyahahaha
thanx to imikimi...^__^...for making this possible...hehehe
but one thing ill assure you, my face is not edited...true..!!! the body (lang nga) is not mine...hihihi
...sAnD, sUnSeT, wAvEs- bEaCh...!!!...
October 31, 2008
Were going to the beach this afternoon…!!Yup yup yup….we will be going to the beach..!!!! nyahaha
Beach beach beach…I really missed the beach…!!!!!i think we’ll stay there until the night falls…hmmm yahoo…hope to see the sunset…^__^…
Pilates for scoliosis…^__^…
October 30, 2008
4 years ago, I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis… our school doctor told me that its not severe so I can still do something about it…with the correct posture, less weights, drinking high calcium milk and a little bit of flexing and stretching I can do away with my scoliosis problem in no time…he advised me to try pilates, but since I was under age then, I have waited for 4 years to start my pilates sessions…
now, 4 years later..??? hmmmppp im enjoying my pilates sessions with my cousin anniniput….we do pilates atleast 3 times a week…thanx to her I was not able to have it yesterday, since she took my dvd without informing me…hehehe (te jel iuli na plsss…^__^…) well, I can do it maybe later this afternoon…
..i'm back...
hihihi....my thesis is done nah...!!!
yup...!!!im back....
no pwobs and worries anymore...!!!hihihi...kaya i hope i can focus on my blogging carreer now...nyahahaa
my best friend...
July 25, 2008
a best friend is a real gift from Jehovah God...
yup let me tell you something about my best friend memet...
we have been friends since the day i was born...hihihi...no I'm not exaggerating...that's true..!!
actually she's 11days older than i am...when she was born, her mother stayed in the hospital for few more days since she was ill...so my mother, 9-month pregnant of me that time, brought her home...come to think of this, cause my mom used to carry memet, even when i was still in her tummy,so memet and i were already close to each other, eveen before i was born...nyahaha...^__^...
since we were neighbors, after i was born, we (memet and I) are given a bath one after another and we were putted to sleep side by side...
we grew up,this way...playing together, taking a bath together, having the same dress as if were twins, we also tried to bully other children ...nayahaahah....
hmmm...now..??? 19 years after, and we are still together...hehehe...
actually just today i got, hmmmm i got 4 comments from her in my friendster account...i want to share this to you...isn't she sweet..??hehehe...basta what i know is, even if sometimes shes moody, i still really do enjoy her company....i hope this friendship lasts forever( sa paradise met nuh..??!hehhe)....
Labels: comments, friends, friendship, friendster comment and testimonials, personal